diploma for the best implemented project and the best technology to save fuel oil. Ukraine 2009

results of the processing of fuels

TRGA - devices that proved their reliability, long service life, easy mounting and user friendliness; high operation specifications with various fuels in the conditions of the long-term real industrial operation at more than 100 objects.

the best implemented project and the best technology to save fuel oil in Ukraine in 2009
water fuel emulsions flooded fuel combustion waste burning standard fuel oil
Serbia, 2009
black oil M-100, burning fuel before processing on TRGA homogenizer
Serbia, 2009
black oil M-100, burning fuel after processing on TRGA homogenizer
fuel oil with water flooded oil burning water flooded oil fuel emulsions burning fuel oil emulsion after treatment
module for hydrogen fuel oil emulsion vodnomazutnoy emulsifier emulsified fuel homogenization homogenizer TRGA
Serbia, 2009
black oil M-100, the module for fuel processing,
emulsification flooded boiler fuel
Serbia, 2009
black oil M-100, the module for fuel processing, emulsification flooded boiler fuel
salvaging flooded oil burning fuel oil saving fuel oil fuel oil burning fuel flooded
обводненный коксохим экономия коксохимического топлива сжигание коксохима коксохим с водой гомогенизатор активатор сжигания
Ukraine, 2009
coke fuel, work TRGA activator for the treatment and best burning coke fuel
Ukraine, 2009
coke fuel, work TRGA activator for the treatment of fuel before the atomizer, results, interview boiler operator (in Russian)
экономия котельного топлива trga отзыв активатор горения мазута
cavitation cavitational processing homogenization of fuel emulsification emulsifier cavitator
Ukraine, 2009
diesel cold flow cavitation boil after treatment
Ukraine, 2009
diesel fuel burning - standard diesel and diesel fuel after the cavitation treatment
improve the combustion of diesel fuel after the cavitation treatment on the activator TRGA
activator TRGA for the fuel treatment before the atomizer of the boiler
Ukraine, 2009
coke fuel, activator TRGA for the fuel treatment before the atomizer of the boiler
Module for the homogenization and emulsification, design principles and our competitive advantage
homogenizer dispersing emulsifier dispersion emulsification homogenization cavitator hydrodynamic cavitation jet module design drawing review trga
black oil mazout fuel improved properties reduction specific consumption reduction of sludge sediment flow viscous increase best fuel burning savings economy fuel
2010 bad black oil fuel, TRGA for the fuel treatment result
Syria ,
2012 bad black oil fuel, TRGA for the fuel treatment result
water fuel emulsions, burning, after processing in a homogenizer TRGA, heavy fuel oil coke fuel after processing in a homogenizer TRGA homogenisation, emulsification, blending, homogenizing, emulsifying, blender mix of fuels save fuel oil and fuel oil
Sorry for the small number of films, most of our customers install our equipment theirself
and have not enough time for films.

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